Thursday, 14 May 2015

Difference between RDBMS , ORDBMS and OODBMS


Compare RDBMS with ORDBMS.    
Relational Database Management Systems
Object – Relational Database Systems
Based on Relational Data Model
Based on Object Data Model (ODM)
Dominant model
Gaining popularity

ORDBMS is an attempt to extend relational database systems to provide a bridge between the relational and object-oriented paradigms.
RDBMS support a small, fixed collection of data types ( eg. Integers, dates, strings ) which has proven adequate for traditional application domains such as administrative data processing
ORDBMS is based on Object-Oriented Database systems and Relational Database systems and are aimed at application domains where complex objects play a central role.
Supports Structured Query Language
( SQL )
Supports Object Query Language ( OQL )
SQL : 1999 standard extends SQL to incorporate support for the object-relational model of data
RDBMS products :
  • IBM’s DB2
  • Informix
  • Oracle
  • Sybase
  • Microsoft’s Access
  • Fox Base
  • Paradox
  • Tandem
  • Teradata

Object-oriented model products:
  • Objectstore
  • Versant
Object-relational model products: Used in DBMS products from
  • IBM
  • Informix
  • Objectstore
  • Oracle
  • Versant
  • Others
Supports Standard data types and additional data types
Supports standard data types and new richer data types.
The new richer data types supported are
  • User-defined data types that supports image, voice and video footage and these must be stored in the database
  • Inheritance data types to inherit the commonality between different types (eg.  To inherit some features of image objects while defining compressed image objects and low-resolution image objects
  • Object Identity data types like references or pointers to objects (eg video) for giving objects a unique object identity, which can be used to refer or point to them from elsewhere in the data.
Case Scenario :
Case Scenario :

9.      Compare the similarities and differences between OODBMS and ORDBMS.  In particular compare OQL and SQL : 1999 and discuss the underlying data model.

·         OODBMS : Object-Oriented Database Management Systems
·         ORDBMS : Object-Relational Database Management Systems
·         Similarities
§  Both supports user-defined ADTs, structured types, object identity and reference types and inheritance.
§  Both supports an extended form of SQL. OODBMS support ODL/OQL. ORDBMS support an extended form of SQL.
§  ORDBMS consciously try to add OODBMS features to an RDBMS and OODBMS in turn have developed query language based on relational query languages.
§  Both provide DBMS functionality such as concurrency control and recovery.
·         Differences

OODBMSs aim to achieve seamless integration with a programming language such as C++, Java.
Such integration is not an important goal for an ORDBMS.

An OODBMS is aimed at applications where an object-centric viewpoint is appropriate.
An ORDBMS is optimized for applications in which large data collections are the focus, even though objects may have a rich structure and be fairly large,
The query facilities of OQL are not supported efficiently in most OODBMSs.
The query facilities are the centerpiece of an ORDBMS.

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