Sunday, 28 June 2015

Types of Database USER

DBMS is a multi-user  software system. It allows multiple user of different category to use the DBMS software. Here we are discussing about different category of DBMS user. 

Database Administrator (DBA): The DBA is a person or a group of persons who is responsible for the management of the database. DBA is custodian of entire data of the organization.  The DBA is responsible for authorizing access to the database by grant and revoke permis­sions to the users, for coordinating and monitoring its use, managing backups and repairing damage due to hardware and/or software failures and for acquiring hardware and software resources as needed. In case of small organization the role of DBA is performed by a single person and in case of large organizations there is a group of DBA's who share responsibilities.
Database Designers: They are responsible for identifying the data to be stored in the database and for choosing appropriate structure to represent and store the data. It is the responsibility of database designers to communicate with all prospective of the database users in order to understand their requirements so that they can create a design that meets their requirements.
End Users: End Users are the people who interact with the database through applications or utilities. The various categories of end users are:
• Casual End Users - These Users occasionally access the database but may need different information each time. They use sophisticated database Query language to specify their requests. For example: High level Managers who access the data weekly or biweekly.
• Native End Users - These users frequently query and update the database using standard types of Queries. The operations that can be performed by this class of users are very limited and effect precise portion of the database.
For example: - Reservation clerks for airlines/hotels check availability for given request and make reservations. Also, persons using Automated Teller Machines (ATM's) fall under this category as he has access to limited portion of the database.
• Standalone end Users/On-line End Users - Those end Users who interact with the database directly via on-line terminal or indirectly through Menu or graphics based Interfaces.
For example: - User of a text package, library management software that store variety of library data such as issue and return of books for fine purposes.
Application Programmers
Application Programmers are responsible for writing application programs that use the data­base. These programs could be written in General Purpose Programming languages such as Visual Basic, Developer, C, FORTRAN, COBOL etc. to manipulate the database. These application programs operate on the data to perform various operations such as retaining information, creating new.

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